Wissenschaftliche Studien Chlorella Alge

Medical studies of Chlorella

More than 60 medical studies document the effects of Chlorella algae.

Detoxification & cleansing with Chlorella

  • Titel: Detoxification
  • Autoren: Lee I et al.
  • Publikation: Environ Toxicol Pharmacol
Chlorella algae encourage the removal of carcinogens from the body, giving it the potential to detoxify…

Published: 2015 (39(1):441-446)

Study design
Randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled six-week crossover study with 6 Korean females (average age 27)

First, one group of three participants took 100 mg of Chlorella daily for two weeks, and after a two-week washout phase the other group repeated the procedure. During each phase, the second group of three participants were given a placebo. (Period 1 – washout phase – period 2).

During the study the food eaten by the participants was carefully recorded to precisely calculate the content of their nutrition. The study showed that Chlorella stimulated the removal of carcinogens from the body, indicating that Chlorella supplements have the potential to detoxify.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Detoxification
  • Autoren: 3 studies
  • EFSA-ID-Nummer: 2415
  • Claims on botanical substances for which finalisation is pending
Chlorella pyreniodosa (Chlorella) promotes the elimination of heavy metals from the body and, supported by the soluble dietary fibre pectin, helps to regulate levels of blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood. The fibre also supports digestion. Chlorella has a positive effect on the function of the gall bladder, liver and kidney which are responsible for detoxifying the body.

Kerem M et al., World J Gastroenterol 2008 (14:4512-4517)

Northcote DH et al., Biochem J 1958 (70:391-397)

Shibata S et al., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2007 (71:916-925)

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  • Titel: Detoxification
  • EFSA-ID-Nummer: 3314
  • Claims on botanical substances for which finalisation is pending

Chlorella algae (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) support the normal functioning of the gut, encourage the elimination of toxic substances from the body, energise and revitalise the organism, and contribute to the maintenance of healthy intestinal flora.

  • Titel: Detoxification
  • Autoren: Morita K et al.
  • Publikation: Nutrition Journal (EFSA)
Chlorella can help boost the elimination of dioxins and dibenzofuran, and inhibit their (re)absorption…

Published: 1999 (129(9):1731-1736), EFSA ID number 1887

Study design
Animal testing in which one group of rats received a standard diet, while the second group were given food containing 10% Chlorella, over a period of 5 days.

Toxins (dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran) were administered to the rats in the form of contaminated rice oil. The level of toxins in the faeces was subsequently examined.

The level of toxins in the faecal excrement was significantly higher in the Chlorella group. Therefore, Chlorella can help boost the elimination of dioxins and dibenzofuran and inhibit their (re)absorption (which was significantly lower). More dioxins that have been stored in the body for a longer period can also be excreted. The mechanism by which Chlorella strengthens the elimination of toxins in still unclear, though three factors could be involved: the first is the high level of dietary fibre in Chlorella which binds to the dioxin. The second factor is the chlorophyll in Chlorella which forms complexes with heterocyclic amines. The third factor is the lipids contained in Chlorella which likewise contribute to excreting dioxins.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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Further abstracts

  • Thema: The toxicity of mercury and its compounds
  • Autoren: Syversen T und Kaur P, Perspectives in Medicine 2014 (2(1):133-150)

An overview of the toxicology of Hg and its most important compounds.

Conclusion: Although this work is not directly related to Chlorella, it is significant as Chlorella has the potential to eliminate mercury from the body, as other studies have shown.

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  • Thema: Detoxification
  • Autoren: Shim JA et al.
  • Publikation: Nutr Res Pract

Study design
60 male rats, divided into 6 groups

Cadmium and Chlorella powder at concentrations of 0.3% and 5% were administered to the rats in their food. The cadmium accumulated in the blood and tissues (liver, kidneys, small intestine).

The study showed that the faeces of those rats which had received Chlorella showed significantly raised cadmium levels. Furthermore, the levels of cadmium in their blood and tissues were lower. Therefore it was possible to show that Chlorella can remove cadmium from the body.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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Chlorella strengthens the immune system

  • Titel: Immune system
  • Autoren: Kwak JH et al.
  • Publikation: Nutrition Journal (EFSA)
It was possible to show that Chlorella stimulates the immune system…

Published: 2012 (11:53), EFSA ID number 1888

Study design
Prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled, eight-week study with 51 healthy adults aged between 30 and 40.

23 study participants took 5 g Chlorella in tablet form every day for 8 weeks; the other 28 participants were given a placebo.

At the end of the study, it was shown that the serum concentrations of Interferon Gamma (IFN-y and Interleukin (IL) 1ß were significantly higher in the Chlorella group than in the control group; IL-12 showed a trend towards an increase. There were no such differences at the start of the study. The natural killer cells were also significantly more active in the Chlorella group than in the placebo group. It was possible to show that Chlorella has a stimulating effect on the immune system, although how the mechanism works is not completely clear.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Immune system, influenza vaccination
  • Autoren: Halperin SA et al.
  • Publikation: CMAJ (EFSA)
It was possible to demonstrate that Chlorella influenced the development of antibodies after vaccination in the group of 50–55-year-old participants…

Published: 2003 (169(2):111-117), EFSA ID number 1797

Study design
Randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, community-based clinical study with 124 participants with a minimum age of 50.
114 participants completed the study.

Over a period of 28 days, the 124 participants received either 200 mg or 400 mg Chlorella as a nutritional supplement, or a placebo. The aim was to discover whether the Chlorella had any effect on the development of antibodies following vaccination against influenza. The participants were given a single dose of an inactive trivalent influenza vaccine on day 21.

Although no effect of Chlorella upon the development of antibodies following vaccination could be observed in the group as a whole, it was clearly demonstrated in the group of participants aged 50-55. Further studies are required here.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Immune system, cytokine response
  • Autoren: Ewart HS et al.
  • Publikation: Planta Med
The regulatory cytokine response shows a strong anti-inflammatory tendency…

Published: 2007 (73(8):762-768)

Study design
Peripheral mononuclear blood cells from healthy adults were treated ex vivo with an extract of Chlorella pyrenoidosa for 24 hours.

The Chlorella increased the secretion of Interleukin 10, Interferon y, and tumour necrosis factor alpha. In vivo, Chlorella strongly stimulated mononuclear cells in the peripheral blood, producing a Th1-cytokine response. The regulatory cytokine response shows a strong anti-inflammatory tendency.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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Further abstracts

  • Thema: Immune system
  • Autoren: Morris HJ et al.
  • Publikation: Enzyme Microb Technol

Study design
Study of the restoration of both innate and specific immune responses in malnourished mice with a protein hydrolate of Chlorella vulgaris (500 mg/kg) over 8 days following a three-day fasting period.

Chlorella stimulates haematopoiesis, causing an increase in the number of peripheral leucocytes, and especially the number of lymphocytes. The monocyte-macrophage system is stimulated.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Immune system, protection against E.coli
  • Autoren: Tanaka K et al.
  • Publikation: Infect Immun

Study design
Mice administered with intraperitoneal E. coli were subsequently given 2 mg/kg intraperitoneal, intravenous, or subcutaneous Chlorella extract (hydrolate).

The mice were better able to ward off the bacterial infection caused by administering intraperitoneal E. coli. Chlorella also prevented the immune deficiency induced by the cytostatic cyclophosphamide. This effect was demonstrated where 2 mg/kg Chlorella was administered 1, 4 or 7 days prior to the infection.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Thema: Immune system, cytokine response
  • Autoren: Ciliberti MG et al.
  • Publikation: Animals (Basel)

Study design
Chlorella extracts (0.4 and 0.8 mg/ml) were added to mononuclear cells taken from the peripheral blood of sheep to examine the immunity properties of various Chlorella extracts.

It was shown that the cytokine expression pattern (in sheep) was positively influenced by the Chlorella extract.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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Fighting free radicals

  • Titel: Oxidative stress
  • Autoren: Okada H et al.
  • Publikation: Kurume Med Journal
It was possible to demonstrate a reduction in fatigue, and the diastolic blood pressure at rest was significantly lowered…

Published: 2018 (64(4):83-90)

Study design
Randomised, double blind, controlled four-week parallel group study with 27 participants (average age 35)

The participants received either a daily dose of 6 g Chlorella, or 7.2 g lactose as a placebo, over a period of four weeks. The participants were subjected to physical stress with a 40% heart rate reserve for 30 minutes, and pulse, blood pressure, BMI, fatigue, and specific blood values were measured. Values for vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid were measured as these represent changes in the autonomic nervous system associated with fatigue.

A reduction in fatigue (measured using a visual analogue scale, F-VAS) was determined in the Chlorella group following the intervention period. Furthermore, after the intervention the diastolic blood pressure at rest of participants in the Chlorella group was notably lowered. There was a significant increase in antioxidative capacity amongst the Chlorella group.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Oxidative stress
  • Autoren: Panahi Y et al.
  • Publikation: Clin Lab
There was a significant improvement in the oxidative status, as well as a reduction in lipid oxidation…

Published: 2013 (59(5-6):579-587)

Study design
Six week study with 38 participants with no obvious signs of illness

The study participants smoked at least 20 cigarettes daily and were given 3.6 g of Chlorella vulgaris extract in powder form over a period of 6 weeks.

After six weeks the antioxidative status of the participants had improved significantly, and there was also a significant reduction in lipid oxidation. Apart from an increase in vitamin E in the serum in the male participants, there were no gender-related differences.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Antioxidant
  • Autoren: Lee Sh et al.
  • Publikation: Nutrition
Taking Chlorella maintains the antioxidant status in plasma…

Published: 2010 (26(2):175-183)

Study design
52 smokers aged between 20 and 65; blood samples were taken before and after consumption of Chlorella supplements, with the level of vitamins and extent of lipid peroxidation measured.

The study participants took a daily 6.3 g dose of Chlorella or a placebo over a period of 6 weeks.

Taking Chlorella maintains the antioxidant status in plasma. Chlorella has an antioxidative effect and is should be an integral part of a healthy diet.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Oxidative stress
  • Autoren: Shibata S et al.
  • Publikation: Nutr Sci Vitaminol (EFSA)
Chlorella has antioxidative properties and could also help prevent complications caused by diabetes….

Published: 2003 (49(5):334-339), EFSA ID number 1797

Study design
Two-part study. First, the antioxidative potential of Chlorella was measured in vitro and compared with a variety of vegetables. Over a period of 11 weeks Chlorella was then administered in vivo to rats in which diabetes had been artificially generated.

The rats were fed 7.3% Chlorella powder with their food.

Both the serum cholesterol and the level of lipid peroxides in the serum fell significantly in the rats. In addition, the development of cataracts was significantly slowed in the rats given Chlorella. It was therefore shown that Chlorella has antioxidative properties and could also help prevent complications caused by diabetes.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Free radicals
  • EFSA-ID-Nummer: 3146, 3147
  • Claims on botanical substances for which finalisation is pending

Chlorella kessleri nourishes the organism and has a positive effect on the production of blood cells: it supports cell regeneration and leucocyte production. The algae promote normal cardiovascular activity, keep the body fit, and have a positive influence on sexuality. Chlorella kessleri is classed as an antioxidant.

Further abstracts

  • Thema: Oxidative stress
  • Autoren: Sheih IC et al.
  • Publikation: Bioresour Technol

Study design
Algae protein waste was hydrolysed using pepsin, and a potent antioxidative peptide of VECYGPNRPQF was separated and isolated.

The purified peptide demonstrated significant antioxidative effects in quenching a variety of free radicals, showing itself to be more effective than a range of other antioxidants. The purified peptide also has significant protective effects on DNA and prevents cellular damage caused by hydroxyl radicals. These results demonstrate that inexpensive algae protein waste could be a new alternative for producing antioxidative peptides.

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  • Thema: Peptides
  • Autoren: Fan X et al.
  • Publikation: J Agric Food Chem

Study design
in vivo

Marine algae have a high protein content (up to 47% of dry weight). Bioactive peptides, consisting of between 2 and 20 amino acids, also have direct biological effects, including antioxidative, antineoplastic, antihypertensive, antiatherosclerotic and immunomodulation effects.

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Chlorella improves the lipid profile

  • Titel: Lipid profile
  • Autoren: Kim S et al.
  • Publikation: Nutrition Journal
In healthy people Chlorella can counteract a rise in serum cholesterol caused by diet

Published: 2016 (15(1):54)

Study design
Double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study involving 34 participants with normal cholesterol values.

Three eggs a day in addition to the participants’ normal diet. Some of the participants also received a daily 5 g dose of Chlorella, the rest received a placebo.

After four weeks the lipid values increased in both groups, but there was a significantly lower rise in total cholesterol in the Chlorella group. In addition, LDL cholesterol rose significantly more strongly in the placebo group than in the Chlorella group. Conversely, HDL cholesterol rose more strongly in the Chlorella group than amongst the participants receiving the placebo. Therefore, in healthy people Chlorella is able to counteract a rise in serum cholesterol caused by diet.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Lipid profile
  • Autoren: Ryu NH et al.
  • Publikation: Nutrition Journal
Daily doses of Chlorella lead to an improvement in the lipid profile, presumably associated with the intake of carotenoids.

Published: 2014 (13:57)

Study design
Randomised, placebo-controlled, four-week double blind study. Hypothesis: taking Chlorella improves the lipid profile in people with mild hypercholesterolemia.

63 study participants aged over 20 with a total cholesterol level of between 200 and 250 mg. Each participant received twelve tablets daily, four to be taken with each meal, so that they were consuming either 5 g Chlorella or a corresponding placebo. Each participant was instructed to maintain their usual level of physicial activity and eating habits, but to avoid certain foods containing particularly high levels of cholesterol or carotenoids.

Daily doses of Chlorella lead to an improvement in the lipid profile in people with mild hypercholesterolemia, presumably associated with the intake of carotenoids. These can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Liver/Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
  • Autoren: Ebrahimi-Mameghani M et al.
  • Publikation: Health Promot Perspect
A decrease in weight, liver enzymes, fasting blood sugar (FBS) and lipid profile….

Published: 2014 (4(1):107-115)

Study design
Eight week double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted on 60 participants (55% male) aged between 20 and 50. The trial investigated the effect of Chlorella vulgaris supplementation on liver enzymes, serum glucose and lipid profile in patients with NAFLD.

All participants had a diagnosis of fatty liver (steatosis) and a BMI of ≥30kg/m². All participants received a daily dose of 400 mg Vit E; the verum group also received 1,200 mg Chlorella extract in tablet form; the other group received a placebo.

55 participants completed the study. Weight, liver enzymes, fasting blood sugar (FBS) and lipid profile decreased significantly in both groups after eight weeks compared to the placebo group.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Liver/Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), lipid profile
  • Autoren: Chitsaz M et al.
  • Publikation: Int J Probiotics Prebiotics
The study showed a weight reduction and an improvement in lipid profile….

Published: 2016 (11(3/4):127-136)

Study design
Eight week randomised, controlled, clinical trial with 66 patients with sonographically-diagnosed NAFLD.

Three groups of 22 people received a daily dose of either 1 g Chlorella, Spirulina, or no medication. Total cholesterol, lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides were measured at the start and after eight weeks.

The Chlorella group showed a greater reduction in weight and improvement in lipid profile and liver function in patients with NAFLD than those in the Spirulina group.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Liver, liver function, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
  • Autoren: Yarmohammadi S et al.
  • Publikation: Clin Nutr Res
C. vulgaris supplementation led to a significant reduction in serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST)…

Published: 2021 (10(1):83-94)

Study design
Systematic review with meta-analysis (eight studies with a total of 432 participants, published between 2012 and 2019)

Systematic search for studies involving Chlorella vulgaris and containing liver biomarker data.

These studies showed that C. vulgaris supplementation significantly lowered AST levels, although not ALT and ALP. The greatest reduction was found in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, more studies with a larger number of participants are needed to provide conclusive evidence.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Liver/Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
  • Autoren: Panahi Y et al.
  • Publikation: Hepatogastroenterology
The study showed a reduction in liver enzymes, triglycerides, uric acid, as well as insulin resistence…

Published: 2012 (59(119):2099-2103)

Study design
Randomised, open-label, three-month clinical trial with 76 participants with NAFLD.

The participants were divided into two groups. One group received a daily dose of 1,200 mg Chlorella extract, Metformin, and vitamin E, while the other group received only Metformin (at a higher dose) and vitamin E. BMI and serum glucose were measured at the start and end of the study.

BBoth groups lost weight, although liver enzymes, triglycerides, uric acid and insulin resistance were only reduced in the Chlorella group. However, improvements in cholesterol values and serum glucose could only be found in the group not taking Chlorella and a higher dose of Metformin.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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Further abstracts

  • Thema: Blood pressure and stroke
  • Autoren: Sansawa H et al.
  • Publikation: J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo)

Study design
4 groups, each with 20 spontaneously hypertensive rats.

The rats were administered Chlorella (as dried cell powder) in their food over 21 weeks.

Chlorella has a positive effect on blood pressure in rats (it was lowered), with lower total cholesterol, lower rate of strokes, and a longer lifespan compared to rats not fed Chlorella.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Thema: Lipid profile, microbiota
  • Autoren: Wan X et al.
  • Publikation: Mar Drugs

Rats were fed with an ethanol extract of Chlorella algae to examine both the composition of their microbiome and lipid profile. The rats were also given a high fat diet and had very high cholesterol levels.

It was shown that Chlorella has a positive effect on the lipid profile in rats, while simultaneously improving the gut microbiome.

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Improving endurance, increasing vitality

  • Titel: Aerobic endurance
  • Autoren: Umemoto S und Otsuki T
  • Publikation: J Clin Biochem Nutr (EFSA)
The study showed that the peak oxygen absorption rose significantly, and level of endurance increased…

Published: 2014 (55(2):143-146), EFSA ID number 1500

Study design
A double blind, placebo-controlled, randomised crossover study with seven males and three females.

The participants were given either Chlorella tablets or placebo tablets twice a day, over a period of four weeks, including a six-week washout phase between the two halves of the study.

After four weeks peak oxygen absorption was significantly increased in the Chlorella group. The results showed that Chlorella supplementation increases aerobic endurance in young people.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Increasing vitality
  • EFSA-ID-Nummer: 1886
  • Claims on botanical substances for which finalisation is pending

Chlorella is a natural source of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It serves to energize, improve vitality, reduce fatigue, and support the immune system.

  • Titel: Cardiovascular activity
  • EFSA-ID-Nummer: 3146, 3147
  • Claims on botanical substances for which finalisation is pending

Chlorella kessleri nourishes the organism and has a positive effect on the production of blood cells: it supports cell regeneration and leucocyte production. The algae promote normal cardiovascular activity, keep the body fit, and have a positive influence on sexuality. Chlorella kessleri is classed as an antioxidant.

  • Titel: Vitality and activity of the organism
  • EFSA-ID-Nummer: 3314
  • Claims on botanical substances for which finalisation is pending

Chlorella algae (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) promote the normal functioning of the gut, encourage the elimination of toxic substances from the body, support the vitality and energy of the organism, and contribute to the maintenance of healthy intestinal flora.

  • Titel: Bioactivity
  • Autoren: Raposo MF et al.
  • Publikation: Mar Drugs
Microalgae have inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidative and antineoplastic properties.

Published: 2013 (11(1):233-252)

Some water-soluble polysaccharides from microalgae have inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidative and antineoplastic properties. They also have a high fibre content and are a good source of energy.

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Other effects of Chlorella algae

  • Titel: Fibromyalgia, Colitis ulcerosa, Hypertonia
  • Autoren: Merchant RE und Andre CA
  • Publikation: Altern Ther Health Med (EFSA)
Chlorella supplementation can lower blood pressure, reduce serum cholesterol, accelerate wound healing and improve immune functions…

Published: 2001 (7:79-91), EFSA ID number 1797

Study design
Double blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical study involving 55 participants with fibromyalgia, 33 with hypertonia, and 9 with Colitis Ulcerosa.

The patients consumed 10 g pure Chlorella in tablet form and 100 ml of liquid containing Chlorella daily over 2 to 3 months.

Chlorella supplementation can lower blood pressure, reduce serum cholesterol, accelerate wound healing and improve immune functions. Chlorella has the potential to alleviate symptoms, normalise body functions and improve quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia, high blood pressure or Colitis Ulcerosa.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Microbiome, inflammation, fibrosis
  • Autoren: Zheng H et al.
  • Publikation: Front Physiol
Chlorophyllin modulates gut activity and improves inflammation and liver fibrosis.

Published: 2018 (9:1671)

Study design
Mice were administered an intraperitoneal injection; the mice were given fibrosis and chlorophyllin in drinking water (3-5 ml).

It was shown that chlorophyllin modulates gut activity, improves inflammation and liver fibrosis in mice, and improves the integrity of the intestinal barrier.

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  • Titel: Blood pressure and arterial stiffness
  • Autoren: Otsuki T et al.
  • Publikation: J clin Biochem Nutr
Chlorella contains antioxidants, arginine, potassium, calcium and unsaturated fatty acids which can help reduce arterial stiffness.

Published: 2013 (53(3):166-169)

Study design
A single blind, placebo-controlled, randomised crossover study with 14 males. 30 200mg (6 g) Chlorella tablets or 243 mg placebo tablets were administered daily over four weeks, with a 12 week washout period.

Blood pressure, heart rate and pulse wave velocity were measured before and after the intervention.

The arterial stiffness was significantly reduced amongst participants in the Chlorella group, while there were no changes in the placebo group. Chlorella contains antioxidants, arginine, potassium, calcium and unsaturated fatty acids which can help reduce arterial stiffness.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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  • Titel: Bioactivity
  • Autoren: Raposo MF et al.
  • Publikation: Mar Drugs
Microalgae have inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidative and antineoplastic properties.

Published: 2013 (11(1):233-252)

Some water-soluble polysaccharides from microalgae have inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidative and antineoplastic properties. They also have a high fibre content and are a good source of energy.

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  • Titel: Liver cancer
  • Autoren: Egner PA et al.
  • Publikation: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
It was shown that that chlorophyllin can eliminate ingested carcinogenic aflatoxins from the body.

Published: 2001 (98(25):14601-14606)

Study design
Randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled chemoprevention study with 180 participants

The 180 participants were randomly selected and received 100 g chlorophyllin or a placebo three times a day, for 4 months.

It was shown that chlorophyllin can eliminate ingested carcinogenic aflatoxins from the body. The daily consumption of chlorophyllin also resulted in a 55% reduction of aflatoxin-N(7)-guanine adducts in the urine samples which are a biomarker for the ingestion of aflatoxins.

  • Algaevit: daily 900 mg dose of micronized Chlorella algae in liquid form

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